Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Developer diary nº2

           First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has shown interest in the project, because without all of them this work would have been much harder for me, so thank you all. In case you want to contact me, feel free to do so in the following adress: thejapansyndrome@gmail.com

My tasks I'm making grow every day my duties because I'm not following a specific way to craft the whole thing. When the day comes to an end, I usually make some order out of all the stuff I have, making it easier for my future "self".

           I'm working on a few things at once. For example, I obviously keep researching about the different relevant subjects while keeping a source list in form of a videography. The study is far from reaching an end, and I have a massive amount of work in this particular task. 

On the other hand, I'm starting to edit videos with Adobe Premiere cs4. I'm focusing on the intro so I can feel more comfortable and get used to it. It's being a very good experience by now. I'm just playing around, i think the intro will change a lot throughout the process.

[Workspace at Premiere - Working on the provisional intro]

[Frame of the provisional intro]

[Another frame]

[I made an animation for the title, but it needs much more work]

I have a contact in Japan who is taking care of the interviews and, in a future, other audiovisual material that will be a huge help. With that original audiovisual content the documentary will make an amazing difference compared to the idea i had before.

Other thing that I'm starting to do is writing the script (i have part of the main skeleton too) I think the way I'm telling the story will be very personal and i'm really proud of it. I'm going to do the narrator speech in English (i also will prepare the adjusted subtitles in Spanish for the subsequent translation into another languages) with the intention of reaching an international public, specially because the topic is going to be very international in its bases.

For last I'm composing songs for the ambient, to help enhance the message in the different climax of the narration.

That's all for today, I'll try to show a better approach of the documentary idea without making you big spoilers for the next entry.


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